It’s Never Too Early to Have a Life Insurance Policy

The Joy of Your Priceless Peace of Mind

Summer weather conjures images of fun and frolic and maybe the last thing you want to think about is acquiring a life insurance policy. At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc, the good times do not  have to end even when the conversation turns to the serious topic of the responsibility of owning life insurance. It is because at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. the professional staff of concerned, knowledgeable and efficient agents will make the process of deciding which life insurance policy is best for you and your family’s needs a simple one. 

Term Life Insurance and the Youth

Term Life Insurance is a policy that pays your beneficiaries upon your death.  Term Life is structured for a certain period of time or term and then it ends either upon your death or for the length of the agreed upon term. This type of policy generally doesn’t build cash value and is known to be a more straightforward way of buying life insurance. Your premium is usually a fixed amount for the length of the term. Term Life can be beneficial for youth  who are looking to acquire a simple policy.    

Whole Life Insurance For Your Long Life Ahead 

Whole Life Insurance builds cash value and depending upon the specific terms of your policy, once some premiums are paid, the insured can borrow against the policy for certain reasons. This particular type of  policy can be the right fit for young people since they may be able to borrow funds for education or other life expenses that may occur when you are just starting our into adulthood.

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