Why Little Falls Homeowners Need Home Insurance

It’s important for you to have home insurance in Little Falls, MN. Whether you have a mortgage or not, you need to do what you can to protect your home. At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc., there are various options for you to explore.

Anything Can Happen

Living in Little Falls, MN is often a lot of fun. Perhaps one of the reasons of choosing to live in this area is because of the change of seasons. You will experience rain, snow, hail, and all sorts of other weather throughout the year. This also means anything can happen to your home.

If something happens, you want to be covered with a home insurance policy.

Claims Allow for Repairs and Replacements

Filing a claim with your home insurance company will allow for various repairs and replacements. If there’s a major snow storm and your roof gets damaged, you want to file a claim to get the repairs done. If there’s a break-in and some of your belongings are stolen, you want to file a claim to have those items replaced.

The claims are generally handled quickly. This allows you to move on with your life without having to wait forever to get the repairs and replacements paid for.

You Don’t Want to Go Bankrupt

Without a home insurance policy, everything that goes wrong becomes your financial responsibility. Some repairs and replacements could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. This is not something you want to deal with as it could bankrupt you. It’s much easier to file a claim and let an insurance adjuster come out to your home. Knowing you have a policy to provide you with financial protection is everything.

Learn more about home insurance and what’s available to fit within your budget by calling an independent insurance agent at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. today.



Gun Safety in Your Home

If you live in or around Little Falls, MN, you may hunt or shoot recreationally. Firearms can be deadly if they are not handled and stored correctly, so use these tips from Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. to avoid a tragedy when you have firearms in your home. 

  • If you’ve never owned or handled a gun before, take a basic safety class before buying one. You can contact your county law enforcement to find out what is available in your area. These classes may cover the laws surrounding weapons, how to handle them safely, and your responsibilities as a gun-owner.
  • All weapons should always be stored unloaded and locked up. Even if you don’t have children in your home, you never know who could enter your house when you’re not around. A suicidal relative or an intruder could use your weapon with a tragic result. Simple tools like trigger locks and gun safes can keep people safe.
  • Alcohol and firearms do not mix. Never use a weapon when you have been drinking, nor should you allow anyone else access to your weapons while under the influence of alcohol or other types of mind-altering substances.
  • Talk to your kids about your firearms. Rather than simply forbidding them to touch the guns, let them ask questions. This shouldn’t be a one-time conversation, but rather an ongoing dialog. If your child wants to learn about firearms, take them to a safe place to shoot, and be sure that they understand that the only time they should use a firearm is if you are around and have given your permission. Do not allow them to know the combination to your gun safe, and do not depend on their obedience to keep them safe. Kids can be impulsive, and you should still keep weapons locked up even if you think your child understands the risks.
  • Learn to shoot safely, using eye and ear protection. Also, be aware of what is behind your target.

If you live in Little Falls, MN or the surrounding area and have questions about homeowner’s insurance, you can contact Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc.


3 Reasons Not to Put Off Purchasing Home Insurance

When it comes to cutting corners insurance is often downgraded or even put off during tight times. However, putting off purchasing home insurance or downgrading coverage can end up costing your family a great deal more in the long run. Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can help you decide the level of coverage best for your family in order to keep them covered, no matter what. If things are already tight and they get worse, you will be relieved that you invested in insurance to keep your family afloat during the worst of times.

  1. Sometimes things change in an area that make insuring certain homes for certain coverage more difficult or more expensive. If you already have coverage in the area at a set rate you may be grandfathered in.
  2. If you are putting off getting or renewing insurance due to finances, then this is exactly the reason you need to make sure you have insurance. If you have plenty of money to spare, then protecting what you do have may just hold less importance. However if things are tight, imagine how much tighter they will be after a fire or other calamity with no insurance.
  3. There is no “off season” for disaster. Sure tornadoes are more likely in a few months and winter storms are more likely in January, but disastrous events can happen any day of the year. This is why emergency personnel and law enforcement agencies do not shut down. Do not prolong getting insurance until closer to the riskier times of the year.

Contact us at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. for all your insurance needs in Little Falls, Pine River, Pierz, Brainerd, MN and the surrounding areas. The sooner your family is covered, the better you can rest with  peace of mind knowing we are here for you.

Preparing your home for your winter vacation

You’re probably more than ready for winter vacation after the flurry of activity of the December holidays. Your home might not be ready for your absence, though. Although it can’t talk, it will "miss" you and your ability to look after it on a daily basis. There are a few things you can do to prepare it for your trip, suggests USA Today. You’ll save money, energy, and lower your chances of coming home to problems. Save yourself potential home insurance claims with these easy tips from Little Falls, MN, Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc.

1. Unplug unneeded electrical devices. Those lamps, TVs, stereos, and space heaters still use energy when plugged in even if they’re turned off. They also create a fire risk if left plugged into an outlet.

2. Turn down the thermostat to 50 degrees. This setting still protects the pipes from bursting but saves energy. If you’re leaving behind your pets, adjust it accordingly, bumping it up to 55 or 60 degrees.

3. Turn off your home’s water supply and open and drain all the faucets. Leave one faucet open on the lowest floor of the house to let excess water and air drain.

4. Lower the water heater to the lowest setting or turn it off altogether to save energy and money.

5. Let service professionals like the cleaning service know when you’ll be gone. Alert your credit card company and alarm service to and let them know how you’d like things handled in your absence.

6. Ask a friend to check on your home daily while you’re gone. Have them bring in the mail and newspapers, feed the pets, etc. To make it look like you’re the home, you may also need to request sidewalk shoveling, if necessary. You might leave some funds for them to hire a neighborhood teen to do the work.

7. If you have a pool and have not already closed it for winter, now is the time. Scrub the decks, too.

8. Close all entry points to your home, such as the fireplace flue. This way, you won’t come home to unwanted pests like birds nesting in your living room, says <a href="http://www.homeadvisor.com/article.show.How-Do-I-Winterize-a-Vacant-House.10834.html">Home Advisor</a>.

9. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer before leaving. Throw out anything that could rot or spoil while you’re gone. If the power goes out, you have one less thing to worry about.

10. In wind-exposed areas, install storm shutters. Secure them before leaving.

A few quick items can keep your home safer during winter. Complete these ten items and give yourself peace of mind while enjoying your time away from home.

5 Surprising Fire Hazards

You know all about greasy rags, cluttered kitchens and loose wires, but fires can start from the least likely of sources, for instance:


It’s designed to keep things cold, but it can still be a major fire hazard. Fridges actually lead to around 1,500 fires a year. Issues include light bulbs that don’t turn off when the door is closed, and electrical components short-circuiting and overheating. Press the switch where the door shuts to test the bulb, and monitor your fridge for any issues.


Stovetops seem like the most likely cooking appliance to start a fire, but microwaves lead to 1,700 fires a year. Microwaves can malfunction and turn on by themselves, and glass doors can shatter. Look for unusual messages on your display panel, and unplug it if you’re having problems.


These things are usually full of water, so how do they catch on fire? For starters, the circuit boards inside of many appliances are basically kindling. Rinse-aids often leak into circuitry, causing malfunctions and around 1,000 fires a year. Regular maintenance and careful use of cleaning products should help keep your dishwasher safe.

Clothes Dryers

Lint blockages are a major issue with dryers. If you replace your lint filter after every load, you should be fine, but a blocked filter can be a major problem.

Toasters, Toaster Ovens and Hot Plates

The problem with plug-in cooking appliances is we tend to think that, being electric, they’re somehow safer than the stovetop. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like microwaves, these appliances can turn themselves automatically. Your best bet is to keep them unplugged when not in use.

Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can connect you with a policy that will cover you in the event of a fire, but it’s better not to have a fire in the first place.


What Do You Need To Prepare Your Home For Fall?

Fall is such a fun time of the year. There are so many things that you can do outside in the cool, crisp air. Because of this, people tend to forget about doing anything to their home to prepare for fall or maintain things during the season. With each season comes a list of things to do around the home. Use this list from Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. serving Little Falls, MN, to get started and stay on top of things this fall.

  • Get any outdoor pipes winterized. Even though it is only fall, that means winter is just around the corner. The fall weather is great but winter can get very cold. While you still likely have time to winterize any outside pipes, you may want to consider doing it now before you forget or get too busy with festivities. Winterize any irrigation pipes now so you do not have to worry about it before the first big freeze of the winter season.
  • Clean the gutters. No one likes to do this chore but if you have gutters, you need to clean them out once all the leaves have fallen by your home so you do not have a bigger mess later.
  • Make sure your home insurance is up to date. One of the best things you can do to prep your home for fall is to take a look at your home insurance policy to ensure it is ideal for your home. Make sure there are no gaps in coverage so you are protected at all times.

 If you need to take a deeper look at your policy or would like a quote for a new policy, be sure to contact Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. serving Little Falls, MN.

How to Repurpose Your Cleaning Supplies in Little Falls

Cleaning supplies are lifesavers and they keep our homes germ-free and safe. However, have you been seeing them for what they’re worth? They can actually do more than you give them credit for. Remember these tips the next time you break out the bucket. 

Ovens and Tubs 

Your oven cleaner can be more than that when you use it on a white porcelain tub. Stains can build up frequently, and oven cleaner packs a heavy one-two punch when it comes to getting your tub to gleam again. If you use it, though, just be extra careful it doesn’t end up anywhere else but in your tub. 

Bugs and Weeds 

Window washing fluid can be used as an effective pest killer when you unexpectedly see one (or several) in your home, and liquid soap can help you kill the weeds in your sidewalks. You’ll need a classic chip pairing if you’re going to kill those weeds, though: a cup of salt and a gallon of vinegar. Take one tablespoon of dishwashing soap and then pour it all in. 

First Aid and Clogged Drains 

Liquid soap actually makes a cheap ice pack, and it will melt very slowly, which is great for the afflicted. You can also use denture tablets broken in half to unclog the drain. You’ll just need to drop them down and then run hot water over it to get the bubbles going to break up the clog. 

Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. helps the people of Little Falls keep their homes safe through a variety of policies available. Whether you’re shopping around for a new home or just want to start comparing quotes for the best rates, give us a call for more information to see what we can do for you. 

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make with Home Insurance

After purchasing a home, there are some important steps you need to take. One of these steps is purchasing home insurance. With the right home insurance policy from Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. you could get the help you need financially if you ever experienced damage to your home. However, before you secure insurance, it’s important to look out for common mistakes homeowners make when getting home insurance.

Not Getting Enough Insurance for Their Home

One problem that is common for many homeowners is failing to purchase enough home insurance. The amount of home insurance you purchase directly affects the cost of your monthly or annual premiums. As a result, most new homeowners attempt to reduce their monthly cost by purchasing the least amount of home insurance possible. If you do this, and you experience a loss, you may have to share a significant portion of the cost of replacing your home. To be safe, make sure you purchase enough home insurance by discussing your options with one of our licensed agents.

Homeowners Don’t Consider Potential Risks

Beyond the cost of replacing your home, you should also consider other things that could go wrong on your property. For instance, a visitor could fall and get injured. If this happens, you may be found liable. With lawsuits increasing, it’s important that you have enough liability coverage in your home insurance policy to cover the costs of being sued. You can start by asking your home insurance agent about the average costs of payouts during lawsuits. Armed with that information, you can make an educated guess about the amount of liability insurance you need along with your home insurance.

Reduce Risks Around Your Home

Typically, when you get home insurance, an insurance adjuster will visit your home and make an assessment on the value of your home. Adjusters will likely look for typical risks that could cause your home insurance rate to increase. The following are a few things that could increase the cost of insuring your home:

  • Pets
  • Trampolines
  • Pools
  • Fire hazards

The list above isn’t exhaustive, but it gives you a general idea of what your adjuster is looking for at your home. If you can, you should take every measure to mitigate the risks these things present so that you don’t pay more for you home insurance. For instance, if you have a pool, you could place a fence around your property to reduce your exposure to injury.

If you are still in the process of purchasing a home, our team at Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. can help you get a home insurance quote. Please call us or visit our website to learn more about the insurance products we offer.


Protecting Your Minnesota Home Against Disaster – 3 Tips

Taking care of your home and family is probably second nature to you. However, have you take all of the necessary precautions in case of an emergency? Here are three tips for preparing your Minnesota home for a disaster.

Tip #1: Make a Plan

The first step in preparing your home for a disaster is by making a plan. Have an easily accessible list of emergency contacts that everyone in your family can find if an incident occurs. You will also want to discuss how to evacuate the home during a fire and where to go afterwards.

Tip #2: Gather Supplies Ahead of Time

Gathering supplies ahead of time is just one more way to protect yourself in case disaster strikes. Include items such as food, water, blankets, and warm clothing. Add in a first aid kit and a few cooking utensils for times in which the power may be off for an extended period. Also, keep emergency lighting supplies—including flashlights and candles—in every room of your home so that you aren’t digging around when you actually need to use them.

Tip #3: Keep Your Property in Good Condition

Another way to protect your Minnesota home against disaster is by keeping your property in good condition. Trim back any tree branches that might fall and cause significant damage during an ice or wind storm. Make sure your heater and other appliances are in safe working order throughout the year to help prevent a fire. Checking these things (and others) only takes a few minutes of your time, but can really keep a serious situation from happening.

In addition to these three tips, it is also important to have a proper level of homeowner’s insurance coverage. While having a policy won’t help you during the initial danger, it will make things much easier once the immediate situation has passed. Please contact our team at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. today.


How Home Liability Coverage Will Protect You

Living in Pine River can be a lot of fun. As a homeowner, you have certain responsibilities. Home liability coverage can be included within your homeowner’s insurance, and this coverage has the ability to provide significant amount of protection. Not sure how it protects you? We have identified a few ways below.

Saves You Money

You could be responsible for all sorts of expenses without home liability coverage. Many accidents involve medical bills as well as lost wages. In the event of a fatality, there would even be death benefits. You don’t want to pay all of this out of your own bank account, which is why it’s better to have the coverage through your homeowner’s policy.

Offers Legal Assistance

Home liability coverage will pay for you to get a lawyer. It is very possible that someone will sue you if they get hurt at your home. Even if you are friends with them, they are going to look out for themselves. A lawyer’s expenses can be included with liability coverage, even if you are found to be responsible for what happened.

Prevents You From Going Into Debt

You have to consider how a person injuring themselves on your property can cost you thousands of dollars. There may be a pain and suffering settlement and more. If you didn’t have home liability coverage to take care of these expenses, you could easily go into debt – and potentially even have to file bankruptcy. It is why it pays to look at coverage and ensure you have the protection.

At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. we look forward to helping you with home liability coverage so that you can be better protected in Pine River, Minnesota. Call and speak to one of our agents today so that we can begin serving you.