Livestock And Farm Machinery – Insurance Coverage Basics

Understanding Farm Insurance Essentials

Farm insurance provides risk management solutions against theft, fire, vandalism, and weather-related incidents, including liability protection. To ensure comprehensive coverage, you must consider the insurance basics pertinent to your livestock and machinery. At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc., our agents in Little Falls, MN, are on hand to assist you with farm insurance policy selection.

Key Factors to Consider When Purchasing Farm Insurance

Here’s what you should evaluate before settling on coverage:

Living Quarters for Livestock

Assess the quality of lodging you provide your livestock. The state and value of barns and other residing structures impact your insurance requirements.

Storage for Assets

Appropriate storage safeguards your seeds, machinery, and other valuables from theft and damage. Regularly examine your storage infrastructure. If you plan to insure numerous high-value items, considering a storage system upgrade may be wise.

Valuation of Items

Determine the accurate value of all you plan to insure, including land, livestock, machinery, and buildings. Keep updated records of each possession’s current worth.

Security Measures

Implementing security measures can protect your livestock and machinery. Adequate lights, surveillance tech, and other security components can reduce the risk of theft or damage to your assets.

Getting the Right Insurance for Your Farm

Your farm deserves adequate protection throughout your ownership period. If you have employees, you may also need liability coverage. To personalize a farm insurance policy that answers all your needs, reach out to our agents at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc.