How Does Home Insurance Cover Pets?

Little Falls, MN, is a great place to raise a pet. We all want the best for our animal friends, so some forward-thinking individuals might wonder how insurance does and does not protect their pets. The experts at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. have scoured policies to give you a clear answer.

Your Pet Is Harmed

Homeowner’s policies typically do not extend coverage to vet bills or the well-being of your pet. While pets are considered personal property under some purviews of the law, it doesn’t include insurance. Pet insurances do exist, but they’re primarily geared towards covering financially valuable pets. This includes purebred dogs and exotic animals.

Your Pet Breaks Things

There’s a reason for that meme where cats are always pushing things off of counters. Pet-caused damage is a normal part of life. It’s not something that will usually be covered by homeowner’s insurance. That’s the policy that’s made for major stuff. So, even though your pet might lovingly break something you value, the home policy isn’t the one to insure it. You can look into alternative policies for pet damage.

Your Pet Hurts Someone

Pets actually account for a significant percentage of personal liability claims every year, even in Little Falls, MN. It’s a pretty standard part of home insurance, but you do need to check the fine print. Some policies exclude covering dog breeds with the highest incidents of bites, for example.

If you want to be 100-percent sure that you have the best insurance for your furry best friend, talk to your representative at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. They’ll help you craft a perfect insurance plan to give the best to all of your pets.