How to keep your car clean with kids

If you’re like most families, you probably feel as if you live out of your car some days.  As your lives become busier, its probably not at all uncommon for you and your kids to change clothes, do homework and even eat in the car.  That means that keeping your car clean can be a chore.  Fortunately, there are ways to get your kids to help keep it mess free.  Try these tips.

  1. No one leaves the car empty-handed. Since your kids are constantly dragging stuff into your car, make sure they take it out with them.  Get them in the habit of always taking at least one object out of the car when they’re at the house.  This can seriously cut down on the clutter.
  2. Collect trash in drive through lines.  Keep spare plastic bags in your car, and make everyone in the vehicle work together to collect trash while you’re waiting in a drive-through or car line.  To keep everyone motivated, offer a small prize for whoever picks up the most trash. Most fast food places have a trash can that is convenient for cars; drop everything in on the way out. 
  3. Invest in a small vacuum cleaner.  These devices are designed to be plugged in to your car’s AC power unit.  Put one child in charge of using it a couple times a week.

While protecting your car from spills, stains and junk is important, keeping your family safe after an accident is even more important.  Make sure that your insurance coverage is up to date and provides all the protection that you need by calling the agents at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc.

Advice for Cleaning Your Car in Little Falls, Minnesota

When owning and operating an automobile in Little Falls, Minnesota, it is not only important to have a car insurance policy, preferably with a local broker like Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. but it is also important to care for your car. This obviously pertains to basic maintenance but also to things like keeping your car clean. This not only makes your vehicle look good and ups it’s resale value, but it also can keep you from getting into an accident when you are driving. Below is some advice for cleaning your car in Little Falls, Minnesota.


Dirt that is tracked into your car and ground into the floor mats is a constant inevitable problem in everyone’s vehicle and it’s usually difficult to clean easily, unless you want to drag out your home vacuum and find a way to plug it in, or go to a do it yourself car wash location and vacuum the car before the allotted time your quarters bought runs out. Or you can just buy a hand vacuum and suck up this dirt in just a few seconds on a daily basis.


By parking your vehicle in a garage on a nightly or daily basis, or purchasing a cover to put over the car whenever it is parked, you will greatly reduce the amount of dirt that accumulates on it’s surface. Then with a soft rag, you can wipe the car clean, saving you money and time on regular car washes.


When you do wash your car, make sure you are using a high powered hose that will take the dirt that has dried over time on the surface of the car off with an efficient blast. This may mean you have to find a high powered hose at a car wash or buy a hose head that adds extra water pressure to get this cleaning benefit.

Tools Every Driver Should Have in Their Car

Being stranded along the highway is a terrible feeling. If you don’t have roadside assistance, then you are at the mercy of car that is driving by, and even that may not be safe. Instead of hoping and waiting for someone to help you, you should have the following tools in your vehicle at all times so that you can help yourself.

You Should Always Have an a Gas Can Available

There are many days you unconsciously test how far your car will go with the gas light on. Unfortunately, drivers put a lot of faith in their gas light, but it could be faulty. To avoid this, you should always keep an empty gas can in your vehicle, just in case you run out of gas. Since it’s likely you won’t be far from a gas station in Little Falls, MN, you won’t have far to walk before you are back with gas for your vehicle.

Fix-a-Flat Should Be in Your Car Permanently

Getting a flat is one of the most common reasons people use their roadside assistance. Instead of relying on your roadside assistance, which limits how many times you can call, place a can of fix-a-flat in your car. With Fix-a-Flat, you will have the ability to drive to a repair shop and get your tire repaired.

A Multi-Head Screwdriver and Wrench

At Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc., we believe that you should be prepared for anything that may go wrong with your car. As a result, you should always have a multi-head screwdriver and wrench in your car. Although you may not know what to do with it, someone who stops to assist you may be able to use it.

At Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. we offer a host of insurance options to ensure you are safe on the road, including roadside assistance. You can visit our website to take a look at our coverage options.

Minnesota Safe Driving Tips

According to the Minnesota Safety Council, roadway crashes are a leading cause of injury death in Minnesota and the number one cause of work-related deaths.  Below are a few simple ideas that can easily be put into practice every time you get behind the wheel.

Buckle-Up:  Make sure all in the car are restrained in a seat belt, car seat or booster seat.  Children in Minnesota should remain in a booster seat until they are four feet nine inches tall.

Allow Time:  If a trip knowingly takes 20 minutes, add an additional 5 minutes to your travel time.  These extra minutes allow for unexpected or heavy traffic patterns and adverse weather conditions. If you find yourself running behind, do not speed as this does not save much time.  Speeding only introduces the possibility of getting a ticket or causing a wreck.

Keep Your Cool:  It’s easy to become frustrated with drivers and mistakes they make when driving, such as tailgating or cutting off other vehicles.  In situations you find frustrating, move over into another lane and distance yourself from those drivers so that you can remain calm and in control.

Hands on the Wheel and Eyes on the Road:  It’s common knowledge that cell phones take priority in today’s technology driven world but using the phone to text or browse the internet while driving allows for a one-second distraction that can cause serious wrecks and fatalities. Not using a cell phone in the car may take a bit of practice and restraint but is worth it.

Keeping auto insurance up-to-date will also give you peace of mind while driving. Visit Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. or give us a call to discuss your current auto policy or to begin a new one.

Should you let Your Spouse or Friend Borrow Your Car?

A friend in need, is a friend indeed. How far should you go exactly for a friend in need? Should your generosity extend to your vehicle, which for some people is also tied into their lively hood at least, and a large investment of their finances? The answer is not cut and dry, and it largely depends on the friend. However, there are a few things you should know and do before anyone else drives your vehicle. 

  • First ask the right questions. Are they licensed? What is their driving record? Is Your insurance up to date? The drivers insurance is not the point, even if it is a parked vehicle that you don’t use it needs to be insured if someone drives it. And of course what are they going to do with the car? Simply drive it to work while they get on their feet, or haul livestock? It may seem obvious but always check these things first to protect yourself and your property. 
  • If your friend passes through the above questions to your satisfaction, you should then discuss the terms before hand so no one gets upset later. Make clear from the start things like how long you are allowing them to use it. How far they can go. If they can eat, drink, or smoke in it. What they should do if there is any damage. It is no small thing to loan a car, but if you decide to go in with clear communication. 

Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can help protect your vehicle, no matter who you chose to let drive it. Getting a quote is easy, and you will find that customer service is personal. Call today if you have any questions about letting a friend borrow your vehicle or about a new policy.

Improve Your Driving Skills For The Winter

Living in Pine River also means having to deal with the cold weather and the harsh winter conditions that can impact your driving. You want to make sure you do all you can to improve your driving skills so you are prepared for what winter is going to bring.

The roads of Minnesota can be dangerous if you aren’t prepared. Plan on stopping your car with jumper cables, tow strap, a flashlight, a shovel, as well as winter attire. This way, if you have to change a tire or do something else, you are not only warm, but well prepared.

Winter Tires/Chains

Depending upon where you are driving, you may need to install chains on your tires. Otherwise, you should plan on having winter tires and it is going to provide you with additional traction so that you can deal with the snow and ice more appropriately.

Don’t Rely on 4-Wheel Drive

4-Wheel drive can provide you with additional traction, but it isn’t going to help you with cornering or braking power. This is a common mistake that many people make – and you don’t want to rely too heavily on it as it can result in a collision if you aren’t careful.

Establish a Safety Bubble

You are going to be safer on the road with a safety bubble around you. This means allowing enough space between you and the other drivers, especially the car in front of you. It can take 10 times longer to start on ice or snow than on dry pavement, and you don’t want to rear end a car simply because you didn’t allow sufficient space.

At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. we have a dedicated team of independent insurance agents to help you find affordable and reliable auto insurance. Call today and learn how one of our agents can help obtain quotes and explain various coverage levels.


Little Falls Car Care

Living in Little Falls means knowing how to prepare for the winter months. There is a lot of car care that you can do now in the fall to ensure you are ready to go. It will allow your car to maximize comfort and provide you with peace of mind knowing that your car can deal with snow, ice, and more.

Tires are an important part of your car. You don’t want to be on the roads without sufficient tread. It may even be necessary to upgrade to a specialty tire in the winter so you have enough grip on the roads.

Your battery is going to deal with a lot when the weather gets cold. Batteries fail all the time without notice. You can often prevent this from happening by checking the connections and ensure the charging system is working adequately. If it has been a few years since you replaced a battery, it may be time for you to do so.

Take the time to replace your wiper blades going into the fall months. You should also look at the heating and ventilation system. This includes the heater for your interior comfort and the defroster to be able to clear windows quickly.

It’s also a good idea to have your brakes checked. If there are issues with the pads, rotors, or drums, you want them fixed before you start to deal with the harsh weather that can be found around your area in the winter months. Preparing now is important.

At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. we have agents to help you find auto insurance. We can guide you through the process, find coverage that makes sense for you in Little Falls, and more. We work with some of the best insurance companies in Minnesota, saving you a lot of time.


College Discounts For Car Insurance

When you live in Little Falls, Minnesota, you may be going to school. Whether you work also or are simply attending a college or university, there may be ways for you to save money on your car insurance premiums.

Knowing about the discounts can help you to talk to an agent and get the best policy possible.

Safe Driver

Being a safe driver has always been important to insurance companies because they see you as a lower risk. If you can avoid speeding tickets and being involved in accidents, you may qualify for a safe driver discount that can add up to a significant amount of money.

Defensive Driving

Various defensive driving courses can be taken. These are generally five hours, and can reduce your rate by 10 percent or more. This would be above and beyond a driver education course that you may have taken in high school.

Low Mileage

Those who don’t put a lot of mileage on their car every year are often given low mileage discounts. If you are only commuting around campus, you definitely qualify for the low mileage, so now you just have to find a company that offers this discount.

Good Grades

Insurance companies have been offering what is known as the “good grades discount” for years. Every company offers a slightly different discount and some may require a GPA of around 3.0 while others will require that you make the dean’s list. If you are a good student, it’s certainly a discount that you will want to explore.

It’s important to find affordable car insurance. When you are a student, you can call our agents at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. and we can find a policy that works for you in Minnesota. We can talk to you about the different levels of coverage and ensure that you have a policy designed for your needs.



Educating Teen Drivers: Tips and Advice for Safe Driving

When it comes to life’s many milestones, there’s none quite as exciting as getting your drivers license. Although this event in your teen’s life is definitely something to celebrate, it’s also important that you take the time to teach them how to drive safely in Little Falls. Here’s a look at several tips you should share with your teen. 

It’s all about keeping your eyes and mind on the road

If your teen keeps his attention and eyes on the road, he will greatly reduce his chances of being in an accident. Not only will he be much less likely to cause one, but if one was to present itself, he’ll be more likely to avoid it. This is why you must stress over and over that he stay focused on the road at all times when behind the wheel.

Set mandatory rules

You are the parent and it is your responsibility to make sure your teen is driving safely. And although you probably can’t be in the vehicle with him at all times, you should still enforce mandatory rules, including:

  • Must always wear seat belt
  • No passengers for first three to six months
  • No using the phone while driving
  • No driving while intoxicated
  • No speeding

Lead by example

Lastly, you can teach your teen driver safe driving tips by leading by example. This means that you should always wear your seat belt, don’t text and drive, don’t drive while drinking, and no going over the speed limit. 

For more information on teaching your teen to drive, visit the Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. website today. 

Is Pothole Damage Covered on Your Current Policy?

Pothole damage can strike even the safest Little Falls, MN residents in the blink of an eye. Is your car protected from unsafe road conditions? Many Americans are unsure of what damages their current policy actually covers. Know your policy and save on comprehensive coverage with the help of your local independent agents at Hanneken Insurance Agency.

What Does Your Current Policy Cover?

When looking for auto insurance coverage many people shop with a low budget in mind. And while this strategy may work for your wallet, it doesn’t always leave you with the best level of protection.

Insurance laws vary from state to state, leading many drivers to go with the Minnesota state minimum requirements instead of exploring additional coverage options. If you are unsure of what type of damage your current policy covers, it may be time to look at a new policy from Hanneken Insurance Agency to keep your car and your loved ones protected from unsafe road conditions.

At Hanneken Insurance Agency you can compare quotes from top national providers while working closely with our team of local agents. When you have questions about additional coverage options or need to work within a tight budget, we’ll help you find the best policy available. Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye and knowing you’re protected from the worst can help give you peace of mind.

Start Comparing Quotes Online Today

With a comprehensive and affordable auto insurance policy you can avoid paying out of pocket for damages in the event of an accident.

Visit the Hanneken Insurance team online today to compare quotes from multiple national providers in just minutes. Affordable and complete auto insurance protection is just a few clicks away!

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