Which Driving Habits Affect Your Auto Insurance Rate?

Your driving habits can affect how much you pay for auto insurance. However, while most people know this, they do not know what specific habits can cause the rates to increase or decrease. Here are a few of the habits which affect the price you pay for an auto insurance policy.

How Many Miles Per Year You Drive

The number of miles you drive per year can have a huge effect on the amount you pay for auto insurance. Someone who drives 5000 miles per year will pay less in to insure their automobile than someone who drives 15,000 miles per year. This is because you are more likely to be involved in an accident the more you drive. Therefore, the more you drive, the more your auto insurance bill will be.

If You Obey Traffic Laws

Speeding, running red lights, failing to stop at stop signs and other traffic infractions can cause your auto insurance rates to increase. Those who have good driving habits and have a great driving record will pay far less than those who one or more infraction on their driving record.

Who You Let Use Your Car

The last habit that can increase your auto insurance rates is who you let drive your car. Many auto insurance companies are beginning to exclude or include drivers on your car insurance policy, meaning you must list who uses your car. Allowing someone with a bad driving record access to your car can cause your rates to increase.

Are you looking to purchase a new insurance policy? Then contact Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. serving the greater Little Falls, MN area. We can help you obtain the right auto insurance policy for your needs.

Adding Cars to Your Policy

When it comes to adding cars to your insurance policy there are a few different things that you need to do so. For those in the Little Falls, MN area, the agents with Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can help walk you through the process of adding cars to your policy.

The first thing you will need is the VIN number for the car. This is to help the agency do a quick search to make sure you own the car, that it is not involved in any legal proceedings, that you can insure it and to help identify it in the event of an accident. With the vin number you can start the process of adding the car to your policy.

You will also need to have the make, the model, and the year of the car so that you can determine how much coverage is needed to keep the car fully insured. You will also need the name on the registration and the address of the person that is insuring the car. All these pieces of information will help the agency to get you the policy that is going to fully insure the car so that if there is an accident, the car is going to be insured without a doubt.

In most cases, it is helpful to have all this information prior to starting the process so that you can speed things along and get your car added to the policy faster than if you have to hunt down the info at the time you are adding the car. For those in the Little Falls, MN area, the agents with Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can help speed up the process and get new cars added to your policy faster than you could on your own.  

How to File a Successful Auto Insurance Claim

Even the most careful driver can be involved in an accident, requiring that he or she file an auto insurance claim. Consumers who are familiar with the claims process will have less trouble filing a claim in their time of need. By working with a Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. agent in Little Falls, MN, consumers can gain a better understanding of how to file a successful auto insurance claim.

Review Coverage

Before filing a claim, consumers should review their policy to make sure they’re fully aware of their coverage. They should know such details as amount of deductible, rental vehicle coverage and insurance limits for property damage. They should also inquire if their insurer has time limits on when to file a claim in order to get it in on time.  

Steps to Placing a Claim

Consumers are responsible to inform their insurance company when they have been involved in an accident. Their insurer will assign an adjuster to investigate the details of their accident, determine who was at fault and recommend a course of action for vehicle repairs and/or payment of medical treatment, if needed.

Some insurance companies require that car repair estimates be made at designated sites chosen by the insurer. Others allow consumers to receive repair estimates at their own vehicle repair shop.

Once a repair estimate has been done, a report is sent to the insurance adjuster for approval. If both the insured and insurer agree to the estimate for repair costs, work can begin to repair the damaged car.  

By choosing their own repair shop, consumers can have greater confidence that the work will be done right. They should request their body shop use only EOM parts for repairs to receive optimum performance from their vehicle once repairs are done. Upon completion of repairs, the insurance company will pay the bill (minus the insured’s deductible).

Even if the insured was not at fault for the accident, he can request that his insurance company cover repair costs to speed up his claim and get repair work done. The insurer can recuperate the funds later on from the insurance company of the driver at fault.  

Working with a qualified agent from Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. in Little Falls, MN facilitates the claims process so consumers can get back on the road without delay. To learn more about auto insurance coverage and claims, contact a Hanneken Insurance Agency agent today. 

Ways to Save On Your Auto Insurance Costs

Who doesn’t want to trim down an auto insurance bill without slashing away policies or boosting the deductible? If you are like most people with a vehicle, saving money without compromising the quality of your policy is important. At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. we understand the importance of doing exactly this. Which is why we have a few suggestions on how you can save money on your Little Falls, MN insurance policy. 

Equipment Upgrade

Yes, it is possible to cut down on your insurance costs with some equipment upgrades. A GPS tracking system installed on the vehicle makes it easier for police to track before it is scrapped or sold off. A new vehicle alarm and wheel locks also can go a long way in reducing your costs. Just make sure to let your insurance provider know about these upgrades. 

Cutting Your Mileage

Your auto insurance policy is often based on how much you typically drive annually. The more you drive, the more likely you will be involved in an accident. It’s simple odds. If you find you are not driving as much annually as your policy states, you can cut down the mileage amount. This can have a direct impact on the overall cost of your insurance. 

Driving Discounts

Ask your insurance provider about discounts. From good driver discounts to good student discounts, there are many options for saving money. 

At Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. we want to make sure you have the right policy for your particular needs while saving you money at the same time. If you are considering a new insurance provider or are just curious as to how we may be able to save you money without cutting down the quality of your policy, give us a call at your convenience. We’re here to help you save money in Little Falls, MN

Got a Teen Driver? Check Out These Possible Discounts with Your Auto Insurer

It may be a milestone that your child is excited about, but seeing them become a licensed driver can definitely bring out some concerns for you as a parent–especially since your auto insurance is bound to go up. Fortunately, just because you have a high-risk driver now listed on your policy, it does not mean there are not ways to save money. Here are a few opportunities for discounts and savings you should check out with Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc, an insurance company serving Little Falls, MN.

Good Student Driver Discounts

When you child obtains their learner’s permit, there could be even more of a reason for them to keep their grades up at school. Some insurance companies do offer good student driver discounts for teens who keep a good grade point average in school. 

Multi-Car Discounts

If bringing your child on as a licensed driver also means adding another vehicle to your insurance policy, there may be an opportunity for you to save. Multi-car discounts are applicable if you have more than one car to cover on your insurance policy. 

Driving Behavior Monitoring Discounts

One of the relatively modern ways to save with auto insurance is with companies that offer discounts based on usual driving behavior. For this discount, you usually have to plug a small monitor into your vehicle that keeps tabs on things like usual speed, sudden braking, and acceleration patterns. Not only will this give your teen a reason to stay cautious and safe while they drive, with good behavior, you could be rewarded with a discount. 

In the end, seeing your child get their driver’s license shouldn’t be a financial burden. Contact us at Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. serving Little Falls, MN to find out more about discounts you could b eligible for. 

Keep Your Emergency Kit in Your Auto Stocked Up

Winter is here and with the cold temperatures comes blizzards, icy roads and hazardous conditions. Now is the time to make sure you are ready to handle the wintry roads around Little Falls, MN by checking up on your emergency auto kit and making sure it is completely stocked. The folks at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. have created this handy checklist to make sure you have it all.

  1. Shovel: The chance to slide into a snowbank, or simply struggle to pull out of a parking lot can be a reality. The handy collapsible shovel won’t take up much space and will send you on your way without calling for a tow truck.
  2. Jug of Kitty Litter or Sand: To help you gain a little extra traction in an icy spot, toss some of the sand in front of the slipping wheel, wait a minute for the ice to soften and drive on.
  3. Battery Charger and/or Cables: Winter is when your battery will give up the ghost as it struggles to maintain a charge through sub-zero temperatures. Your roadside assistance company might not be able to come to your rescue for hours. A portable battery charger can get you home to safety without delay.
  4. Flares and Flashlight: When stranded on the side of the road in a storm, you need to help others see you. Make sure those flares haven’t fallen apart after years of rolling around the trunk and replace them if needed.
  5. Blanket and Snacks: Being stranded during a blizzard is a reality around here. If conditions are too dangerous, you might be forced to wait for help to arrive. Even that scratchy old blanket you dumped in the garage will provide welcome warmth at such a time. Store some protein bars in the glove box as well.

For more safety tips and information on auto insurance in the Little Falls, MN area, give the Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. a call to talk to one of our friendly agents.

What is covered by collision insurance?

Residents of Little Falls, MN know how important it is to have auto insurance coverage that you can count on in an emergency.  Fortunately, there are a number of options available at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. that can give you great coverage at an affordable price.

One of the most popular options in auto insurance is collision insurance.  While this coverage provides more protection than basic policies, it doesn’t cover everything that could potentially go wrong with a vehicle.  These policies offer funds to repair or replace a vehicle in the event that you are found to be at fault in an accident.  It will not provide any funds for other events, however.

That means that if your vehicle is left outside during a hailstorm, if it is stolen, or if it is damaged by another event, collision insurance will not provide any money to repair or replace the vehicle.  Furthermore, while collision coverage will provide funds towards the medical expenses of the passengers in your car, it will not cover damage to any of those passengers’ belongings.

Collision coverage is a good choice for people who are looking for more than a basic policy, but feel comfortable covering the costs of an unexpected event. Typically, if your vehicle costs more than what you have in savings, and you rely on it to get to work, it’s a good idea to invest in a comprehensive policy

If you live in the Little Falls, MN area and you need to save money on your auto insurance without sacrificing coverage, talk the agents at Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc.  They have years of experience helping customers just like you find a policy that is right for them.

Important reasons for having auto insurance in Little Falls, MN

Located in the heart of Minnesota, Little Falls is a quiet community that allows residents access to all the Minnesota has to offer. It also gets the brunt of Minnesota winters, which makes for difficult driving for everyone in the area. When you take this into account, you quickly realize how absolutely important it is for people to have auto insurance on their vehicles in a place like Little Falls, MN. Below are some of the more specific reasons why this is the case.


A car accident is expensive and auto insurance keeps this expense from crippling you financially in the future. If you hit a patch of ice and spin off the road into a tree, auto insurance will fix your vehicle so you don’t have to and cover the medical expenses, if any, incurred by you and your passengers due to the accident. Without this policy set up beforehand, you might end up paying tens of thousands of dollars you don’t have just to reset your life.


Let’s be honest, sometimes accidents happen and we are at fault. Hopefully this doesn’t happen while you are on the road but if it does, there will thankfully be an auto insurance policy there to cover any damage the accident may cause, especially to others who are involved. These policies will cover the damage to their vehicle as well as any medical expenses they might incur due to the accident itself.


Sometimes just covering the expenses aren’t enough and people want more money, taking you to court. So that you won’t get sued directly, the insurance company takes the heat for you, protecting you from further financial loss due to a lawsuit.

Covering Someone Else’s Medical Bills in an Accident in Little Falls, MN

If you live in Little Falls, Minnesota, you are probably like most people in the United States who own and operate motor vehicles. However, while cars can be a source of great convenience, they can also be a source of great stress. Car accidents can be extremely stressful for all involved, especially those who end up having to pay medical bills.

Minnesota is a no-fault auto insurance state, meaning that anybody who is involved in an accident can quickly recover medical bill costs, lost earnings, and other economic losses, regardless of who is at fault in the accident. The state of Minnesota requires that anyone who owns and operates a motor vehicle have personal injury protection with a minimum coverage of $20,000 for medical care and $20,000 for loss of earnings and replacement services. Although auto insurance will cover most if not all of the damages in most cases, there are some cases where it will not completely cover all of the medical expenses that are involved. In some of these cases, the driver of the other car, if you are at fault, can file a claim against you. In this situation, you can actually be put in a position where you have to pay this person’s medical bills for the accident that you are considered at fault for.

Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. has many experienced insurance agents who can help you figure out what you need to do when you are in an accident in Little Falls, MN. They can answer all of your questions about auto insurance in Little Falls, MN, as well as tell you anything that you need to know in the event that you are in an accident and need to pay medical bills. Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. can be a great resource for you in this city.

Driving Safe In Rough Weather in Little Falls, MN

Minnesota is famous for a lot of things, and one of those things is its weather. Summer and Spring can be fairly mild, though there is always the chance of heavy storms and tornadoes. Winters turns roads into black ice and assail drivers with snowstorms and extreme cold. You have to be ready for anything in Little Falls. Here are some tips for handling the hardest weather Minnesota has to dish out:

Brake Early

In the stormy season, the number one way to stay safe on wet roads is to double the time you take to apply the brakes. Driving a little more slowly than usual in general will help to give you greater reaction time for anything that can go wrong on a rainy road, but braking too abruptly is the greatest danger for most drivers on wet roads. While we’re on the subject of rain: The roads are still wet for quite awhile after the rain lets up, so treat wet roads carefully whether or not the sky is clear.

Don’t Drive in Rough Weather When You Don’t Have To

Sometimes you have no choice, but when you do, take the safer one. If you don’t have to go out on an icy road, don’t go out on an icy road. If you are forced to drive on an icy road, drive as slow as you safely can. You can lose control even at under 10mph. If you’re going over 45mph, even on the highway, you’re asking for trouble.

Keep an Emergency Kit on Hand

In Minnesota, you never know when a tornado or a storm might hit, so be prepared.

Hanneken Insurance Agency Inc. can connect you with an insurance provider that can cover you should worse come to worst, but with safe driving, you might never even need to file a claim, no matter how rough the weather gets.